10 steps to create AWS VPC

Akshay Bhadange
4 min readMay 6, 2021

Create new AWS VPC with Subnets, Route Tables, Security Groups and Internet Gateway.

Amazon VPC allows you to provision a logically isolated section of AWS services cloud where you can launch AWS resources in a defined virtual network. VPC can be spread across regions with all availability zones.

With VPC, You have complete control over your virtual networking environment, you can decide private IP address range, creation of subnet and configuration of route tables and Internet gateways and NAT Gateways.

Below are AWS VPC related components

  1. Subnet
  2. Route Table
  3. Internet Gateway
  4. NAT Gateway

Before we move ahead with VPC, let us understand the basic networking concepts first.

IP Address: IP address is logical, numerical label assigned as a unique identifier to each device in a network. It is used to locate hosts in the network through Host ID & Network ID present in your IP Address.

CIDR (Classless Inter-domain routing): A methodology to represent IP addresses. e.g

IP addresses consist of 4 octets, each octet contains 8 bits. So it becomes a 32 bit string.

In the above example if we check /16 denotes that out of 32 bits first 16 bits are locked and it is considered as Network ID and remaining 16 bits are called as host ID.

So how can we calculate the number of IP available in the CIDR block above?

As we know that IP address is 32 bit and out of that we have locked the first 16 bits. 32–16 = 16, so using the above CIDR block we can have 2¹⁶ = 65,536 IP addresses available to allocate to our resources.

We will create New VPC as per below image

Step 1: Create VPC

  1. Before creating VPC make sure that you have selected the correct region.
  2. Enter VPC Name and CIDR block (

Step 2: Create Subnet

Subnet is the logical partition of your VPC Network. IP addresses with common prefixes are in the same subnet. E.g 172.81.x.x are used in the same subnet. This is done because the maintenance of a smaller network is easier and it also provides security to the network from other networks.

  1. Select new VPC
  2. Enter Subnet Name
  3. Select availability Zone and CIDR block for Subnet. In our example we are creating subnet using CIDR block

Step 3: Create Route Tables

Route table contains a set of rules called routes which determine where traffic has to be directed. We can configure multiple route tables in a given VPC. When VPC is created it also create Route table automatically.

  1. Enter Name and Select VPC

Step 4: Create Internet Gateway (IGW)

Internet Gateway is a combination of hardware and software that provides your private network with a route to the world outside. An IGW is horizontally scaled, and it is a highly available VPC component that allows communication between instance and the internet. Only one IGW can be attached to a VPC at a time.

  1. Create new Internet Gateway and attach with VPC

Step 5: Attach Internet Gateways to RouteTable

We will attach IGW to route-table so that traffic from and to the Internet can be redirected via RouteTables. Follow mentioned steps to attach IGW to route table.

  1. Select Route table and click on Edit routes
  2. Add (Open to all) and select Internet gateway as Target and save record.

Step 6: Create New Subnet

  1. Select new VPC
  2. Enter Subnet Name
  3. Select availability Zone and CIDR block for Subnet. In our example we are creating subnet using CIDR block

Note: Do not attach Internet Gateway to this Private subnet.

Step 7: Create new Route table for Private Subnet

  1. Enter Route table name
  2. Select VPC
  3. Edit Subnet associations and select Private Subnet which is created in Step 6

Step 8: Create NAT Gateway

  1. Enter name of NAT gateway
  2. Select Public Subnet which is created in step 2
  3. Allocate Elastic IP to NAT gateway

Step 9: Update Private Route table

  1. Edit Routes of private Route table which is created in step 7
  2. Add (Open to all) and select NAT gateway as Target and save record.

Now we are ready to use new VPC, test your VPC setup by creating EC2 instance.

Step 10: Launch EC2 Instance

  1. Select AMI
  2. Select new VPC
  3. Select Public Subnet which is created in step 2

4. Launch EC2 instance

If you want to attach new AWS VPC to lambda function follow below mentioned steps

  1. While creating Lambda function select new VPC
  2. Select Private Subnet created in step 6

Now Lambda function will have internet access using NAT Gateway

Note: In lambda do not attach subnet which has internet gateway attached in its associated route table.

